
Risultati per "gümrük"

Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. duty; tariff. 2. customs, customs bureau (as an agency of the state). 3. customshouse, customhouse. almak /dan/ to collect duty (on). ambarı/antreposu bonded warehouse. anlaşması customs treaty. beyanı customs entry, customs declaration. beyannamesi/bildirgesi customs declaration, bill of entry. birliği customs union. ten çıkarmak /ı/ to clear (something) through customs. faturası certified invoice. ten geçirmek /ı/ to clear (something) through customs. ten geçmek to pass through customs. görevlisi/memuru customs officer, customs inspector. kaçakçılığı smuggling. kapısı port of entry. komisyoncusu customs broker, customs agent. kontrolü customs inspection. ten/yangından mal kaçırır gibi 1. with undue haste, hurry-scurry, scurrying needlessly. 2. surreptitiously, secretively. ten mal kaçırmak to smuggle goods. manifestosu customs manifest. ten muaf duty-free. muamelesini yapmak /ın/ to clear (something) through customs. muayenesi/yoklaması customs examination; examination of passengers´ luggage. muhafaza memuru customshouse guard. resmi customs, duty. e tabi dutiable, subject to duty. tahsildarı collector of customs. tarifesi customs tariff. G ve Tekel Bakanı Minister of Customs and Monopolies. G ve Tekel Bakanlığı the Ministry of Customs and Monopolies. vergisi customs, duty.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. customs officer. 2. customs broker, customs agent.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. work of a customs officer. 2. work of a customs broker.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
/ı/ to clear (goods) through customs.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
(for goods) to be cleared through customs.