(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. to play, amuse oneself, fool around. 2. to dance; to gambol, cavort, frisk about; to dance (a dance). 3. to move, stir, budge. 4. to become loose; to have play in it. 5. to play (a game). 6. /ı/ to perform (a play). 7. /ı/ to play (a card). 8. /la/ to risk, play around with, trifle with. 9. to fluctuate, move back and forth. 10. to flicker. 11. /la/ to monkey with, tinker with, tamper with, fool with. 12. (for a film or play) to be on, be playing. oynaya oynaya joyfully, with great joy.