(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. dirty laundry, dirty clothes, laundry. 2. underwear; underlinen, linen. asmak to hang out the laundry. değiştirmek to change one´s underwear. dolabı linen cupboard, linen closet, linen press. günü washday. ipeği embroidery silk. ipi clothesline. kazanı washpot. leğeni washtub. makinesi washing machine. mandalı clothespin, Brit. clothes-peg, peg. merdanesi clothes wringer. sepeti 1. laundry basket (for clean laundry). 2. dirty-clothes hamper. sıkmak to wring laundry. sodası washing soda. suyu liquid bleach, bleach. teknesi laundry tray, laundry tub, set tub, washtray. tozu washing powder. yıkamak to wash clothes, do the laundry, do the wash.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
washerwoman, washwoman, laundress, laundrywoman; laundryman, washerman, washman. kadın washerwoman, washwoman, laundress, laundrywoman.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
raccoon, racoon, coon.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1.laundry room, laundry; wash-house. 2. (a commercial) laundry; laundromat, launderette, washeteria.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. laundry room, laundry; washhouse. 2. (cloth) suitable for making underwear.