(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. /ı, a/ to hold (someone) in (a place) for a while. 2. /ı, dan/ to keep, detain, prevent (someone) from (doing something). 3. /ı/ to set aside, reserve. 4. /ı/ to arrest.
(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. /ı/ to put, place. 2. /ı/ to let go (inside or outside). 3. /a/ to affect, upset, bother; to move. 4. /ı/ to appropriate, set aside. Koydunsa bul. colloq. It´s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. koyup gitmek /ı/ to leave (something, someone) and go away. Koyduğum yerde otluyor. colloq. 1. He´s still in the same (socioeconomic) position he´s always been in. 2. He hasn´t changed one iota./He´s just the same as ever (meant as a negative criticism).