(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. inside, interior, inner part: Evin dışı çirkin, fakat içerisi güzel. The house´s exterior is ugly, but its interior is attractive. 2. colloq. jail, prison. 3. (a person´s) true self, heart, soul. 4. inner, interior, inside: içeri daire the inner apartment. 5. (moving) in, inside, within; indoors; into the interior; inland: Feriha içeri girdi. Feriha went inside. Büyük İskender ordusunu içeri yürütmeye karar verdi. Alexander the Great decided to march his army into the interior. de 1. (being) inside; indoors; in the interior; inland. 2. colloq. in jail, in prison. 3. in debt. den 1. from within, from the inside. 2. colloq. from jail, from prison. si inside, interior, inner part. sinde within. ye (moving) in, inside; indoors; towards the interior; inland. atmak/tıkmak /ı/ colloq. to throw (someone) in the clink. / ye buyurun! Come in./Please come in. dalmak to enter suddenly, barge in. düşmek colloq. to go to jail, get put in the clink, wind up in the clink. girmek 1. to enter. 2. colloq. to lose (a certain amount of money) in a business deal. 3. colloq. to wind up in the clink. de olmak colloq. 1. to be in jail, be in the clink. 2. to have lost (a certain amount of money), be out (a certain amount of money); to be in debt.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. content; contents. 2. psych. content. 3. log. implicit, implied.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. person who stresses content (as opposed to form). 2. (someone) who stresses content (as opposed to form); (something) in which content is stressed (over form).
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
(something) which deals mainly with: dinsel içerikli bir kitap a book about religion.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
related to content: Bu romanı içeriksel bakımdan bir hiç sayıyorum. I think this novel is completely lacking in content.