(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. /ı/ to hold; to take hold of; to grip; to grab. 2. /ı/ to hold back; to restrain. 3. /ı/ to hunt: kuş tutmak to hunt birds. 4. /ı/ to nab; to arrest (someone). 5. /ı/ mil. to capture, occupy (a position). 6. /ı/ to grasp, understand (that something is happening). 7. /ı/ to reach, come to, arrive at (a place); to make it to (a place). 8. /ı/ to detain (someone); to hold (someone) up. 9. /ı/ to look after, watch over (someone). 10. /ı, da/ to keep (someone, something) in (a place); to maintain (something) (at a certain level). 11. /ı/ (for something) to take up (so much space). 12. /ı/ (for writing) to cover (a place). 13. /ı/ (for fog, etc.) to cover, envelop (a place). 14. /ı/ (for a sound) to fill (a place). 15. /ı/ to reserve (a place). 16. /ı/ (for snow) to stick to; (for ice) to form in: Sokaklar buz tuttu. The streets have gotten icy. 17. /ı/ (for cloth) to show (a stain, dust, etc.). 18. /ı/ to patrol; to mount guard over or guard (a place); to man. 19. /ı/ to back, support. 20. /ı/ to approve of, like. 21. (for something) to be accepted, win general approval. 22. /ı/ to keep (one´s promise, one´s word). 23. /ı/ (for one thing) to accord with, be consistent with, jibe with, agree with. 24. /ı/ to rent, Brit. hire. 25. /ı/ to hire, take on, employ. 26. /ı/ to take up, embark on (a job). 27. /ı/ to have (a steady job). 28. /ı/ (for a man) to be married to. 29. /ı/ (for something) to make (someone) feel sick at his stomach; to give (someone) a headache. 30. (for someone´s curse) to be realized, come true, come to pass. 31. /ı/ to be seized with (the hiccups, fit of coughing, etc.): O sırada onu öyle bir gülme krizi tuttu ki odadan çıkmak zorunda kaldı. At that point she got the giggles so bad that she had to leave the room. 32. (for a pain, cough, etc.) to begin again; (for a condition) to crop up again: Of, gene sancım tuttu. Ouf! My pain´s started up again. Remzi´nin inatçılığı tuttu. Remzi´s stubborn streak is showing again. Pakize´nin babaları tutmuş galiba. Pakize appears to be having a nervous seizure. 33. (for someone) to get (malaria): Dursun´u sıtma tutmuş. I hear Dursun´s got malaria. 34. /ı/ to do (something) (in a certain way): Bu işi hızlı tutalım. Let´s get this job done quickly./Let´s do this job quickly. 35. /ı/ to make (something) (in a certain way): Bu binayı mümkün olduğu kadar geniş tutmak istiyoruz. We want to make this building as wide as possible. 36. /ı/ (for something) to total, come to a total of, come to, amount to, add up to. 37. /ı/ (for a place) to be open to, be exposed to, be unprotected from (the wind). 38. /ı/ to keep (something) (in a certain state): Odanı temiz tut! Keep your room clean! Başını dik tut! Hold your head up straight! 39. /ı, a/ to throw (something) at; to fire (something) at; to shower (something) upon: Şehri topa tuttular. They mounted an artillery assault on the city. Gelini hediye yağmuruna tuttular. They showered the bride with gifts. 40. /ı, a/ to add (a sum) to (an amount owed). 41. /ı, a/ to hold (something) over, close to, near, or up to: O diayı ışığa tut. Hold that slide to the light. 42. /ı/ to gain (weight), put on (weight): Bu et tutmamış davarı satalım. Let´s sell these skinny cows. 43. /ı/ to use (a razor); to wear (a yashmak). 44. /ı/ (for milk) to form (cream): Süt kaymak tuttu. The milk´s creamed. 45. /ı/ (for an amount of time) to pass (while going from one place to another): İzmir´le Bodrum arası altı saat tutar. It takes six hours to drive from İzmir to Bodrum. 46. to take it into one´s head to, decide suddenly to, up and (do something): Şimdi de Ankara´ya gideceği tuttu. Now he´s taken it into his head to go to Ankara. Sonunda tuttu bütün malını mülkünü Şebnem´in üstüne yaptı. In the end he upped and made everything he owned over to Şebnem. Arada sırada tutar bizi balık yemeye götürür. Every once in a while he´ll up and take us out to eat fish. 47. /ı, a/ to serve, offer (a guest) (something to eat or drink): Şennur, kuzum, misafirimize şeker tut! Şennur, honey, offer our guest some candy! 48. (for a graft or vaccination) to take. 49. (for paint, etc.) to stick, adhere: Bu tahta boya tutmaz. Paint won´t stick to this board. 50. (for a nail, etc.) to be lodged firmly in place. 51. (for a limb of one´s body) to be in good shape, be functioning well. 52. /ı/ (for a ship, train, bus) to stop at (a place). 53. to assume (for the sake of argument) that ..., imagine that ..., suppose that ....: Tutalım ki Ahmet beraat etti, o durumda ne yapacağız? Let´s say Ahmet´s acquitted; in that case what are we going to do? 54. /ı/ to enter, turn into: Şu sağdaki yolu tut ve doğru git. Turn into that road on the right and then go straight ahead. 55. /dan/ from; starting with: Ak sakallısından tut süt kuzusuna kadar herkes oradaydı. Everybody was there, from the old graybeards down to the babes-in-arms. tuttuğu dal elinde kalmak (for someone or something one had hopes in) to turn out to be a dud, prove a disappointment. Tut kelin perçeminden! colloq. Where on earth do you begin to solve an impossible situation like this? tuttuğunu koparmak to know how to get what one wants. tutunacak dalı olmamak /ın/ to have no one or nothing that one can rely on. tutar yeri kalmamak /ın/ 1. (for something) to be ready for the scrap heap, be completely worn out. 2. (for something) to be completely untenable, be completely indefensible.