
Résultats pour "güneş"

Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
,-ni 1. the colors of sunset, pink and yellow. 2. yellow and pink. 3. the sunset years of one´s life.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. sun. 2. sunshine, sunlight. açmak for the sun to come out, for it to become sunny. almak/görmek to get the sun, get sunlight, see the sun. in alnında/altında in full sun. ayı solar month. balçıkla sıvanmaz. proverb You can´t hide the truth. banyosu sunbath, sunbathing. batmak for the sun to set/go down/sink. in batması/batışı sunset, sundown. çarpmak /ı/ to have a sunstroke. çarpması sunstroke. G Dil teorisi the theory of the Sun Language (concerning the origin of language put forward in Turkey in the early 1930´s). doğmak for the sun to rise. in doğması/doğuşu sunrise. (başına) geçmek to have a sunstroke. e göstermek /ı/ to expose (something) to the sun. gözlüğü sunglasses, dark glasses. günü astr. solar day. ışını sunray, sunbeam. e karşı işemek vulg. to behave rudely to a kind person; to scorn something good through ignorance. lekesi astr. sunspot. olsa kimsenin üstüne doğmamak never to think of helping others. saati sundial. sistemi/ dizgesi astr. solar system. şemsiyesi parasol. takvimi solar calendar. e tapma heliolatry, worship of the sun. tedavisi heliotherapy. tekeri astr. solar disk, sun disk. tutulmak for the sun to be eclipsed. tutulması astr. solar eclipse. vurmak /a/ 1. to have a sunstroke. 2. for the sun to shine on. vurması sunstroke. yanığı sunburn. te yanmak to be sunburnt; to be tanned. yılı astr. solar year.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
,güneşlenme 1. sunbathing, sunbath. 2. being spread in the sun to dry.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
,güneşlenmek 1. to sunbathe, bask in the sun. 2. to be spread in the sun to dry.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
/ı/ to leave (something) in the sun to dry; to expose (something) to the sun.