(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
to become haughty or arrogant.
(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. /ı/ to shoulder or take on (a burden, task, or responsibility). 2. /a/ to push against (someone, something) with all one´s weight. 3. /a/ to press, push, put pressure on, pressure (someone). 4. (for rain) to come down hard, fall hard. 5. /a/ to make a strong, concerted attack upon, rush or press (someone) hard. 6. (for someone, an animal, a vehicle) to be loaded or freighted; /a/ (for a load) to be put on/in. 7. /a/ (for a task or responsibility) to be given to or laid on (someone). 8. (for the blame) to be laid on (someone). 9. /a/ (for an electrical charge) to be given to.