(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. law disposal, disposition; administration, management; possession. 2. conservation, careful use of (a resource); saving (money); thrift, economy. 3. savings, money saved. unda/u altında /ın/ in the possession of; at the disposal of; at the disposition of: Daire kiracının tasarrufundadır. The apartment is in the possession of the tenant. bankası savings bank. bonosu a kind of savings bond (formerly issued by the Turkish government). etmek 1. to save, save money, save up; to economize; to practice conservation. 2. /dan/ to save on, economize on, save. 3. /a or ı/ to have the use of; to have (something) in one´s possession. faktörü banking accumulation factor. hesabı banking savings account. mevduatı banking savings deposit.
(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. thrifty, economical. 2. (machine) which uses little energy or which costs little to operate, economical.