(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
/ı/ 1. to comb. 2. to rake; to harrow. 3. to card, comb (wool, woollike fibers); to hackle (flax, hemp, jute). 4. to dredge. 5. to comb, dress, or finish (stone) (with a comb). 6. to rake or strafe (with gunfire). 7. to comb, search thoroughly. 8. to look at (someone, something) searchingly, scan (with one´s eyes); to give (someone) the once-over. 9. to hatch, draw fine parallel lines upon; to crosshatch; to hachure (a map). 10. slang to steal, make off with. 11. slang to finish; to use up; to spend, blow.