(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. incomplete, short. 2. docked, tailless (animal). 3. docked (tail). 4. short, squat; stumpy, stubby. 5. stunted, puny, scrawny. 6. narrow, limited, lacking in scope, parochial. aylar the shorter months of the year. kalmak 1. to be incomplete; to be without result. 2. to be childless. 3. to be stunted, not to reach full growth. tavuk 1. a hen without tail feathers. 2. colloq. poor insignificant fellow.
(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
1. to become docked. 2. to become stunted, puny, or scrawny. 3. to get to be narrow, become limited, become lacking in scope, become parochial.