( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
path. inflammation (owing to infection), infection.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
to become inflamed, get infected.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. inflamed, infected. 2. characterized by inflammation, inflammatory.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. (a destructive) fire, conflagration. 2. colloq. fever. 3. colloq. passionate love. 4. colloq. madly in love. bombası fire bomb, incendiary bomb. çengeli fire hook, fireman´s hook. dan çıkmış gibi completely destitute, (someone) who has nothing but the shirt on his back. çıkarmak to start a (destructive, uncontrollable) fire. a körükle gitmek to add fuel to the flames, try deliberately to make a bad situation worse. kulesi fire tower. dan mal kaçırır gibi with unnecessary excitement and haste; very hastily and agitatedly. merdiveni fire escape. sigortası fire insurance. var! Fire! a vermek /ı/ (for an incendiary) to set (something) on fire. yerine dönmek 1. (for a place) to become a madhouse; to turn into a bedlam. 2. (for a place) to be a complete mess, look like a cyclone had hit it.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
fireman; fire fighter.