
"kırmak" Kelimesi için arama sonuçları

Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
(for a bird) to defecate.
Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. to gush out, spurt out, squirt forth, jet. 2. (for plants) to spring up, burst forth. 3. /dan/ to overflow from, superabound in.
Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
to shout.
Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. to hiccup. 2. to sob.
Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı/ 1. to break. 2. to chop or split (wood). 3. to crush; to grind coarsely. 4. to fold (printed sheets). 5. to break, destroy (one´s resistance, strength, pride, or desire). 6. (for war, disease) to kill, cut down. 7. to reduce (a price). 8. to offend, hurt. 9. backgammon to win (an opponent´s piece). 10. to turn (a rudder, steering wheel) sharply to one side. 11. to mitigate, abate, break (the severity of a cold spell, the unpleasant effects of something). 12. slang to run away, clear out, make tracks. Kır boynunu! colloq. Scram!/Beat it! kırıp dökmek /ı/ to destroy, break. kırıp geçirmek /ı/ 1. to wipe out, destroy utterly. 2. to offend (someone) greatly. 3. to make (people) split their sides laughing. kıran kırana (fighting) savagely, with no holds barred; with might and main. kırdığı koz kırkı/bini aşmak to make one gaffe after another.