(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/dan/ profiting by, taking advantage of, availing oneself of: Bu fırsattan bilistifade sefarete kapılandı. Profiting by this opportunity he got himself a job in the embassy.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. orderly stack, neatly arranged pile. 2. colloq. composure, serenity. 3. slang sleep. inden başlamak slang to begin to swear. inden başlatmak /ın/ slang to make (someone) swear. ini bozmamak colloq. to stay calm, maintain one´s composure. etmek /ı/ to stack (things) neatly.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. resigning, resignation (from a position). 2. letter of resignation, resignation. yı basmak suddenly to resign; immediately to quit. etmek /dan/ to resign; to resign from. sını vermek to hand in one´s resignation.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
profiting, benefiting. etmek /dan/ to benefit, profit (from).
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
advantageous, profitable, useful.