( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
(for several people) to shout, yell.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. (a) Gypsy (especially one from Hungary or Romania). 2. Gypsy, of the Gypsies (especially of those in Hungary or Romania). müziği Hungarian Gypsy music; Romanian Gypsy music.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. raw, uncooked; not completely cooked. 2. ill-bred, untutored. 3. unseemly, inappropriate (act, words). 4. harsh (color, light). çiğ yemek /ı/ to be enraged at: Onu çiğ çiğ yiyebilirdim. I could have torn him limb from limb. kaçmak/düşmek to be inappropriate, be unseemly. köfte dish made of raw ground meat, pounded wheat, and red pepper. süt emmek colloq. to be evil-minded by nature, be a bad egg from the word go. yemedim ki karnım ağrısın. colloq. As I´ve done nothing wrong, I have nothing to fear.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
dew. noktası dew point.
( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
afried börek made with raw ground meat, onions, and spices.