
Results for "çatı"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (for arms) to be stacked, be piled; (for poles, etc.) to be propped together (like stacked rifles). 2. (for a framework of poles) to be put up. 3. to be erected in a makeshift manner. 4. /a/ (for a load) to be put on both sides of (a pack animal). 5. (for pieces of cloth) to be basted together, be tacked together. 6. (for a cloth worn around the forehead) to be tied on. 7. (for someone´s brows) to be knit.
Turkish - English dictionary

çatır çatır

(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (breaking) with a crack or a snap; (burning) with a crackle or a snap; cracklingly; with a crunch. 2. by force. 3. easily, with great ease. çatlamak 1. to crack or splinter into pieces. 2. to be eaten up with jealousy. etmek to make a cracking, crackling, or crunching sound. konuşmak /ı/ to speak (a language) fluently, be able to rattle away in (a language). sökmek /ı/ to pull out or rip out (something) by force.
Turkish - English dictionary

çatır çutur

(Turkish - English dictionary) :
(breaking) with a crack or a crunch.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to make a cracking sound; to crackle; to snap; to make a crunching sound. 2. (for teeth) to chatter. 3. to be on the verge of crumbling, collapsing, or falling apart.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
crack, cracking sound; crackle, crackling sound; snap, snapping sound; crunch, crunching sound.