
Results for "yarı"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
in accordance with: kanun uyarınca in accordance with the law.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. half of the, half the: Öğrencilerin yarısı geldi. Half of the students have come. gece yarısı midnight. 2. half of, mid-: Yarı ömrüm bitti. Half of my life is over. Yarı yolda kaldık. We were left stranded in the middle of our journey. yarı gece midnight. yarı yün yarı poliyester bir kazak a sweater that´s half wool and half polyester. 3. sports half time, the half. 4. halfway, half, only partially: yarı açık half open. Yarı anladı. He halfway understood. yarı pişmiş et underdone meat. yarı cahil semiliterate. yarı göçebe seminomadic/ seminomad. yarı resmi semiofficial. belden aşağı below the waist, from the waist down. belden yukarı above the waist, from the waist up. da bırakmak /ı/ to leave off (doing something) when one has completed only half of it, stop doing (a job) when one is in the middle of it. buçuk 1. piddling, trifling, trivial. 2. poor, sorry, third-rate, two-bit, crummy. çekili bayrak flag flying at half mast. fiyatına at half price, at half the usual price, half-price. inme path. hemiplegia. da kalmak to be left half finished, be left half done. yarıya 1. halfway, half. 2. in half, equally, fifty-fifty. yolda bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) in the lurch, leave (someone) high and dry.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
splitter, chopper: odun yarıcı woodchopper/woodcutter.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
sharecropper (who receives one half of the crop in return for his work).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
woodchopping, being a woodchopper.