(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /ı, a/ to have (someone) hold (something). 2. /ı, a/ to let (someone) hold (something). 3. /ı, la/ to fasten, tack, or nail (something) together with; to sew (something) together with; to glue (something) together. 4. /ı/ to maintain, keep (something) going, carry on. 5. /ı/ to maintain (something) obstinately, assert (something) obstinately. 6. /ı/ to get (something) into one´s head and go on about it insistently. 7. /ı/ to get started (doing something). 8. /ı/ to hit (a target, a mark); to succeed in getting (a certain grade or score). tutturabildiğine (selling something) for as much as one can get, for whatever the market will stand.