(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Where?/Where...?/Wherever ...: Onlar nerede? Where are they? Nerede oturursak .... Wherever we sit .... akşam orada sabah. colloq. He is under/feels no compulsion to return to his own home come bedtime./He doesn´t appear to have a home; come bedtime, he just spends the night wherever he happens to be. bu bolluk?/ bu yoğurdun bolluğu? What makes you think this thing´ll be so easy to do?/It´s not as easy as you think! hareket, orada bereket. proverb Industry (assiduous labor) begets plenty. ise see neredeyse. kaldı ki how (in the world) can ...?: Bu işi bile yapamazken nerede kaldı ki o işi yapasın? As you can´t even do this job, how in the world can you do that one? ... nerede ... (... ... nerede) How can you compare ...?/... can´t be compared to ...: Cevdet nerede, Şevket nerede? You can´t liken Cevdet to Şevket! Şalgam nerede, gül nerede? How can you compare a turnip to a rose?
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. Where ...?/From where ...?/Whence ...?: Nereden geliyorsun? Where are you coming from? 2. ... no matter where ... from: Nereden gelirse gelsin. I don´t care where he comes from. nereden gelirse gelsin no matter where he comes from. nereye! Who would have thought it could happen?
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. pretty soon, any moment, soon, before long: Ahmet neredeyse gelir. Ahmet´ll come pretty soon. 2. almost, very nearly, all but: Neredeyse kalkıp gidecektim. I very nearly got up and walked out.