(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1./ı, a/ to have (someone) lean down on; to have (someone) lean down over; to have (one person) stand right over (another). 2. /ı, a/ to have (one person) lean against (another); to have (someone) lean on (something) hard. 3. /ı/ to make (an animal) kneel down. 4. /ı, a/ colloq. to set (one person) on (another).
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı/ to make (someone) hungry.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı/ 1. to make (something) bitter, embitter. 2. to make (something) hot (to the taste), make (something) peppery. 3. to make (butter) rancid; to sour (wine). 4. to cause (someone) to grieve.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı/ 1. to make (something) bitter, embitter. 2. to make (something) hot (to the taste), make (something) peppery. 3. to make (butter) rancid; to sour (wine). 4. to cause (a color) to become rather glaring. 5. to cause (a cry, a sound) to become poignant. 6. to cause (words) to become caustic.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı, a/ to arouse (someone´s) compassion (for), make (someone) sorry (for), arouse (someone´s) pity (for).