
Results for "silmek"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/a/ impersonal passive to attempt, undertake; to set about, begin to.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
impersonal passive to wrestle.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/a/ (impersonal passive) 1. to touch. 2. to handle, meddle with. 3. to sit on the edge of, perch on. 4. to bother, disturb. 5. to touch on, touch upon, mention.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be cut. 2. to be clipped; to be sheared. 3. to be exhausted, be tired out. 4. suddenly to turn into, suddenly to become. 5. to curdle, sour. 6. to stop, die down. 7. (for water, gas, electricity) to be cut off, stop flowing. 8. /dan/ to lose (appetite, strength). 9. to stop, end; to be interrupted. 10. suddenly to start to act like. 11. /a/ slang to like, be pleased by, be attracted to. 12. /ı/ slang to spend (money) gambling. Kesilen baş (bir daha) yerine konmaz. proverb What´s done is done.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to wipe up, wipe away, or wipe (something wet) (using something dry); to dry. 2. to clean, rub (something) clean (using something wet). 3. to erase, rub out. silip süpürmek /ı/ 1. to clean (a place) from stem to stern. 2. to eat up every morsel of (something). 3. to destroy (everything), sweep (everything) away; to make a clean sweep of (all of them), get rid of (them all).