
"çocuk" Die Ergebnisse der Suche nach dem Wort

 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. child, infant. 2. childish. Çlar! colloq. Hey, you all! tan al haberi. proverb A child will tell the truth. aldırmak to have an abortion. arabası baby carriage, baby buggy, Brit. pram, perambulator. bahçesi 1. children´s playground. 2. playpen. bakımı child care. bezi diaper. büyütmek to bring up children. dili child´s language. doğurmak to give birth to a child. doktoru pediatrician. düşürme abortion, miscarriage. düşürmek to have an abortion. Ç Esirgeme Kurumu Society for the Protection of Children. felci polio, infantile paralysis. gibi 1. in a childish manner. 2. childlike. hastalığı children´s disease. işi a simple matter, child´s play. mahkemesi juvenile court. maması baby food. odası (children´s) nursery. olmak to become childish. u olmak /ın/ to have a child, give birth to a child. oyuncağı 1. toy. 2. child´s play; matter of no consequence. oyuncağı haline getirmek /ı/ to neglect (a project) (because one regards it as unimportant). peydahlamak (for an unmarried woman) to become pregnant. yapmak to produce a child, have a child. yetiştirmek to bring up children. yuvası nursery school. zammı child allowance.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
pedology, paidology.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
pedologist, paidologist.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
poor little child.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. childish (act). 2. childishly.