Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nu the Commonwealth of Independent States (composed of some republics which were formerly a part of the U.S.S.R.).
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ti 1. state. 2. government. 3. prosperity, good luck. le! Good luck to you! (said to the departing guest). adamı statesman. baba colloq. the government, the state. D Bakanı minister without portfolio. D Bakanlığı the office and functions of a minister without portfolio. bankası national bank. başkanı head of state, president. borçları public debt, national debt. D Deniz Yolları the Turkish State Maritime Lines. düşkünü (one) who has seen better days. erkânı ministers and high officials. hazinesi national treasury. hizmeti government service, civil service. ler hukuku international law, the law of nations. kapısı government service; government office. kuşu good fortune, good luck. D Malzeme Ofisi the State Procurement and Supply Office. memuru government official. D Planlama Teşkilatı the State Planning Organization. D Su İşleri the State Water Supply Administration. şûrası council of state. tahvili government bond.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
on the part of the state.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. partisan of state control. 2. compatible with state control.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
state socialism, etatism.