(Turkish - English dictionary) :
magic, sorcery; witchcraft.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. big, large. 2. old; older, senior. 3. one´s senior, older person; person whose rank or qualities command respect. 4. important; grand, chief, major. 5. great, grand, exalted. ler 1. the great. 2. adults. aptes 1. (human) feces. 2. the need to defecate. aptesi gelmek to need to defecate, need to do a BM. atardamar anat. aorta. balık küçük balığı yutar. proverb A big fish swallows a little fish. le büyük, küçükle küçük olmak to treat people, young and old, according to their age and interests. ten büyüğe law by primogeniture. defter fin. ledger. görmek/bilmek/tutmak /ı/ to esteem highly. hanım the older or oldest lady of the house. harf capital letter, capital, majuscule. ikramiye first prize (in a lottery). kalori large calorie. kasa central pay office. laf etmek to talk big. lokma ye, büyük söz söyleme. proverb Eat a big mouthful, but don´t make big promises. B Millet Meclisi the Grand National Assembly (of Turkey). oynamak gambling to play for high stakes. ölçüde 1. on a large scale. 2. in large measure, to a great degree. önerme log. major premise. para a lot of money. (söz) söylemek to talk big, boast. söz big talk. sözüme tövbe! I hate to talk big, but .... terim log. major term. ünlü uyumu ling. two-form vowel harmony. yemin solemn oath, binding oath.
Büyük Britanya
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Great Britain.
Büyük Okyanus
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
the Pacific Ocean.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-li navy full admiral; (in England) the Admiral of the Fleet, the First Sea Lord.