
Results for "burun"

English - Turkish Dictionary


(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
i. Burundi.
English - Turkish Dictionary


(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
i. Burundili. s. 1. Burundi, Burundi´ye özgü. 2. Burundili.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. naut. straight-stemmed (ship). 2. hook-nosed.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
, burnu 1. nose. 2. beak, bill. 3. tip, pointed end. 4. headland, cape, point. 5. pride, arrogance. 6. nasal. boşluğu anat. nasal cavity. burmak /a/ to curl one´s nostrils in disdain, turn one´s nose up (at). buruna close together, very close. buruna gelmek /la/ to run into, almost to collide with. bükmek/a/ to turn one´s nose up (at). u büyük arrogant, conceited. u büyümek to become conceited. unu çekmek 1. to sniff. 2. colloq. not to get anything. deliği nostril. unun dibinde under one´s very nose, very close. unun dikine/doğrusuna gitmek to do what one feels to be best without asking for advice. direği nasal septum. unun direği kırılmak to feel suffocated by a bad smell. unun direği sızlamak 1. to be in a lot of pain. 2. to be sorry for someone. u düşmek to be suffocated by a bad smell. undan düşen bin parça olmak to look very disgruntled, wear a very sour face. undan (fitil fitil) gelmek to suffer so much after gaining something good that one regrets ever having gained it. undan getirmek /ı, ın/ to make (someone) regret (having done something). una girmek /ın/ to come too close (to a person). u havada conceited, stuck-up. u Kaf dağında very conceited. u kanamadan without being hurt, without the slightest scratch. u kanamak to have a nosebleed. kanaması nosebleed, epistaxis. kemiği anat. nasal bone, os nasale. undan kıl aldırmamak to be very conceited and unapproachable. unu kırmak /ın/ to humiliate. kıvırmak /a/ to turn one´s nose up (at), sniff (at). unda tütmek to long for, crave for. nezlesi rhinitis. perdesi anat. nasal septum. unu sıksan canı çıkar. colloq. He´s nothing but a puny runt. unu silmek to wipe one´s nose. unu sokmak /a/ to poke one´s nose into (something). undan solumak to be enraged, get angry. unu sürtmek to back down and accept what one has scorned. u sürtülmek/burnunu yere sürtmek to learn one´s lesson through a humiliating experience. şişirmek to swell with pride. unun ucunda under one´s nose, very close. unun ucunu görmemek to be dead drunk. unun ucundan ilerisini görmemek to be unable to see further than one´s nose. undan yakalanmak to be well and truly caught. yapmak to stick one´s nose up in the air, be arrogant. unun yeli harman savurmak 1. to be very conceited. 2. to be in a towering rage, be breathing fire. zarı nasal mucous membrane, nasal mucosa.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. Burundi. 2. Burundian, of Burundi.