
Results for "ağlanmak"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /a/ to be tied (to); to be bound (to); to be tied up. 2. (for shoes, shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon) to be tied. 3. (for a wound) to be bandaged, be bound up. 4. (for something) to be tied up in a bundle. 5. /a/ (for a salary, a regular supply of rations) to be assigned to (someone). 6. /a/ (for an individual or a company) to have contracted to (carry out a project); (for a business deal) to be finalized; /a/ (for the terms of a project) to be agreed upon: Proje bugün sözleşmeye bağlandı. The terms of the project were agreed upon today. 7. /a/ to be committed to, be dedicated to (a cause); to be devoted to (someone). 8. /a/ to concern oneself with (something). 9. to end, turn out.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be branded (with a hot iron). 2. to be cauterized. 3. to be burned (by sun, wind, heat, cold, or a hot taste). 4. (for one´s feelings) to be wounded.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be provided; to be procured, be found; to be gained, be obtained; to be achieved, be won; to be brought about. 2. to be ensured, be guaranteed.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be oiled; to be lubricated; to be greased. 2. to get oily or greasy. 3. to get fat.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
(for a metal blade) to be so whetted as to remove the filings adhering to it.