(Dream Dictionary of Phrase) :
Göğüste görülen dağlanma halkın işlerini üzerine almaya, Dağlanan yerden kan yahut irin çıkması yöneticilikte uzun süre kalmaya, Dağlanmak yahut birini dağlamak üzücü bir söz işitmeye, töhmetle itham edilmeye, Hastalıktan dolayı dağlanmak sağlığa, Ateşlee dağlanmak zekat vermemeye yahut kötü ve adil olmayan yönetimin emrinde görev kabul etmeye, Dağlanmak bazen acı söz işitmeye, birine aşık olmaya yahut sıkıntılara sabrederek velilik mertebesine ulaşmaya delalet eder.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to weep, shed tears, cry. 2. /a/ to weep, mourn (for). 3. /dan/ to complain, whine (about). 4. (for a tree) to weep. Ağlamayan çocuğa meme vermezler. proverb The wheel that squeaks gets the grease. ağlayası gelmek to feel like crying.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,ağlamalı ready to cry. olmak to feel like crying.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /ı, a/ to tie (someone, something) to; to bind (someone, something) to; /ı, la/ to tie (someone, something) up (with): Saçını kırmızı kurdeleyle bağladı. She tied up her hair with a red ribbon. 2. /ı/ to tie (one´s shoes, one´s shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon). 3. /ı/ to bandage, bind up (a wound). 4. /ı/ to gird on (one´s sword). 5. /ı/ to tie (something) up in a bundle. 6. /a, ı/ to put (someone) on (a salary); to assign (someone) a regular supply of (rations). 7. /ı/ (for something) to bind, be binding upon (someone). 8. /ı/ to finalize (a business deal); /ı, a/ to draw up or make (a contract) for (a project, an activity): O işi bağladık. We´ve finalized that deal. 9. /ı, a/ to make (someone) devoted to, bind (someone) to. 10. /ı/ to tie (someone) down, limit the scope of (someone´s) activities; to constrain; to fetter. 11. /ı/ to cross (one´s arms). 12. (for a skin) to form (on milk, yogurt); (for ice) to form (on the surface of a body of water); (for a wound) to get (a scab) on it, scab over; (for the chimney of a lamp) to get (sooty): Yoğurt kaymak bağladı. The yogurt´s skinned over. Bu şişeler çok is bağladı. These lamp chimneys have gotten very sooty. 13. /ı/ prov. to block; to dam, dam up; to stop the flow of. 14. /ı/ to shut (a door).
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
(for falling water) to splash; to crash.