(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to get lighter, lighten (in weight). 2. to lighten up, ease up. 3. to become frivolous, become flighty.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to make (something) lighter, lighten (in weight). 2. to lighten, ease. 3. to render (someone) frivolous.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
mitigating, mitigative, extenuating, alleviating.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to make (something) lighter, lighten (in weight). 2. to lessen, decrease, diminish; to abate, mitigate, extenuate, alleviate. 3. to lighten, ease.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. lightness (in weight). 2. lightness, easiness, mildness. 3. lightness, frivolity, flightiness. 4. lightness, mildness (of food); lightness (of a meal, drink). 5. lightness, gentleness, mildness. 6. lightness, slightness, mildness, lack of intensity. 7. lightness (of sleep). 8. relaxation, ease; relief, comfort, ease of mind. etmek 1. to do or say something improper. 2. to act frivolously.